What We Do



We represent over 10 different programs at LTH and can offer your company the solutions to your needs. Our main business areas are listed below, but with interdisciplinary teams, we can manage most of the requests. Do you have a project or challenge that needs to be solved? Contact us on business@development.tlth.se


Job Ads

We offer the opportunity for your company to advertise and mediate job positions to 9000 students. On a single platform can you find fitting students for your needs and easily begin to communicate. Are you looking to find the right student for your company? Let us help. Contact us on business@development.tlth.se



We can offer your company competent students from various programs on both a temporary and continuous basis. We will get to know the organization to find you the perfect match. Is your organization in need of extra manpower? Contact us on business@development.tlth.se